Ministry Schedule

Sunday morning service starts every Sunday at 9:30 AM
Sunday school starts at 10:00 AM

Praise and Worship

Our church is a worshiping church. If you visit us on any given Sunday, you would experience it firsthand. We have a team of worshipers who are on fire for the Lord. There is freedom to express your heart through lifting up of hands, clapping, and enjoying the move of the Holy Spirit. Music is an integral part of Worship. God has refreshed us many times through the ministry of the people who are talented & gifted.

Sunday School

We have a very comprehensive Sunday School Program. Each child is taught God's love and salvation and how to live the Christian life in an ever changing world. We follow a closely graded system for teaching the historical and spiritual content of the whole Bible, making it interesting and relevant to the understanding and needs of children of each age level. Our Sunday School is an important wing of the church because it prepares our children and young people to take their place as vibrant members of the church. The Sunday school starts at 10 am every Sunday except during the summer holidays. We also have special programs for children like the Vacation Bible School.

Youth Fellowship

The youngsters of our church meet every Sunday, soon after the morning worship service. God has blessed us with committed youth mentors who are keen to shape young lives based on the life of our dear Lord Jesus Christ and His Word.

Women's Fellowship

The women of our church meet every second after the morning service to study the word of God and to have fellowship with one another.

Missions, Evangelism and Social work

This is at the heart of our church. We very strongly believe and are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission of making disciples. We encourage all the members to be aggressively involved in missionary activities. We support missionary work.